For a New Dimension of Health Care
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EURAMA represents a joint venture to unite all existing Ayurvedic Doctors Associations fostering the application of Ayurveda at a high quality standard in Europe. 
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Members have numerous benefits!

You will profit from a steadily growing network for exchange of information and experience of ayurvedic experts in Europe and beyond.

EURAMA acts as a mediator for the promotion of safe and legal application of Ayurveda, for high quality standards in its application and the integration of Ayurveda into European health systems. All members can become actively involved in this process.

We extend our invitation to

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  • European Associations representing the interests of medical doctors with experience in Ayurveda as
    Ordinary Members,
  • Associations representing the interests of Ayurvedic doctors in a country outside of Europe as
    Associate Members,
  • Associations that represent the interests of professionals in other disciplines connected to Ayurveda as
    Associate Members,
  • For those who plan to establish an Ayurveda Medical Association in an European country we offer a temporary membership as Observing Member. EURAMA will support Observing Members in realizing this goal.


Individuals are invited to join EURAMA as Associate Member. With this membership you help us realizing our goals and profit from EURAMA's  steadily growing network. We invite in particular:

  • European medical doctors with experience in Ayurveda,
  • Ayurvedic doctors in a country outside of Europe espacially Indian Vaidyas,
  • Ayurvedic professionals in other disciplines e.g. Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Alternative Practitioners, Veterinaries,
  • Persons who are able and willing to make substantial contributions towards achieving EURAMA's objectives.

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Futhermore we warmly invite Organisations, Companies and Individuals to support us as Supporting Members.

Membership Fees

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Membership fee for Ordinary Members

  • Minimum fee per calendar year € 300,00. 
  • EURAMA Members with more than 30 members: € 10,00 per member per calendar year.
  • Maximum fee per calendar year € 600,00. 
  • Only in justified cases, e.g. for Associations from Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), there is a possibility of fee reduction.

Membership fee for Associate Members 

  • For institutions per calendar year € 400,00.
  • For individuals per calendar year € 80,00.  
  • Reduced fee for individual members of national Ayurveda Associations (EURAMA members) when becoming Associate Members of EURAMA: € 40,00 per calendar year.

Membership fee for Observing Members (limited to one year)

  • For Institutions per calendar year € 150,00.

  • For individuals per calendar year € 40,00. 

Annual contribution of Supporting Members  

Joining EURAMA

To join EURAMA please download the application form below and ensure when returning your form that it is accompanied by the relevant documents as detailed at the end of the form. If you have any queries regarding this information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Application Forms 

More Information


For further information contact:

P: +43 (0)650 7515787

E: hildegard.kathan@ayur­

© 2008 EURAMA | European Ayurveda Medical Association, all rights reserved.