For a New Dimension of Health Care
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EURAMA is designed to facilitate the creation of a regulatory framework for the safe and legal use of Ayurveda in all the countries of Europe. To achieve this goal, EURAMA will give special emphasis to scientific research on Ayurveda.

In 2016 and 2017 a number of conferences and other events in Europe and abroad bring together the world's leading scientists and professionals on Ayurveda to discuss the latest findings in research and up-to-date practice. 

List of relevant conferences in 2016/17

For years, numerous scientists have been researching in the field of Ayurveda. India’s government and other institutes throughout the world support clinical and laboratory research on Ayurveda. So far already thousands of scientific articles are published in research journals worldwide. Some databases provide online indexing service for research articles, Ayurveda knowledge or herbals.

List of Ayurveda research databases

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